《海神的一夜》是诗人二十年前出版的同名诗集的增订本,除了添加之后所写的七十多首诗,也补充了之前写下而未收入当初那本诗集,另外拆解和调整了上世纪八九十年代的一两个组诗,其中有些篇章,也作为单独的诗作编进了此集。陈东东一向视短诗写作为根本性的写作,因此这部短诗集被诗人视作自己诗歌创作的“中途小歇”,并与《流水》等诗文集汇合呈现出诗人的诗歌写作全貌。长诗《流水》,对应曲式结构布局篇章,摹用和发挥文字谱的语言方式,以臆写伯牙和钟子期传说作为展开,故事的知音主题,贯穿这个由倾听和阅读而引起了写作的讽寓式故事,在不同方面受到格律诗与《一千零一夜》《金瓶梅》《尤利西斯》等文学作品的启示,是“从倾听和阅读到来的写作”,进行的是写作跟倾听和阅读的对话,亦探讨了[戏仿的严肃性]。《组诗·长诗》汇总了陈东东三十五年间(1981-2016)写下的组诗和长诗,诗人于跋语中自谦,“它除了能让读者免去到处收罗的麻烦,一集在手,就算齐备, 还让作者跟他早先的写作拉开了足够长久的距离,能以重新审视的眼光,剔去现在看来根本不值得保留的篇章。”
Chen Dongdong
Chen Dongdong, whose ancestral home is Wujiang, Jiangsu Province, was born in Shanghai and lived there for a long time. In the early 1980s, he began writing poetry while studying at the Chinese Faculty of Shanghai Normal University. After graduating, he worked as a teacher, historical documenter, and editor. He currently lives in Shenzhen and Shanghai and specializes in writing. He has been a representative of Chinese contemporary poetry since the 1980s and an important participant in the life of contemporary poetry. He has founded and edited folk poetry publications, served as a judge for folk poetry awards, organized folk poetry and poetry festivals and other events. His main published works include the poetry collections The Book of Summer: The Book of Dismissal (2010, Chongqing) and The Guide Map (2013, Taipei), the poetry and essay collection Short Paper: Flowing Water (2000, Beijing), and the essay collections The Black Mirror (2014, Beijing) and A Few Words Come from Writing (2015, Beijing).
Chen Dongdong’s poetry is keen on capturing natural scenes. The poet Sun Wenbo believes that “the sky and the sea constitute the main background of Chen Dongdong’s poetry, and at the same they have became known as symbolic metaphors in his poetry.” Chen Xiaoming, a professor at the Chinese Faculty of Peking University, believes that “Chen Dongdong’s natural landscapes are soaked in social and historical content, they always possess a cultural or political metaphorical nature.” As one of the symbols of poetry in the 1980s, and the most important and radical experimenter of poetry in the 1990s, Chen Dongdong has been evaluated by poets Li Jianchun and Wang Jiaxin as “A poet who can stand the test of time.”
One Night of Poseidon is an addendum of the poems of the same name published by the poet twenty years ago. In addition to the more than 70 poems written after the addition, it also supplements the original poems that were written and not included in the original, as well as one or two poems from the 1980s and 1990s that have been disassembled and adjusted, some of which were also included in this compilation as separate poems. Chen Dongdong has always regarded short poetry writing as fundamental writing. Therefore, the poet regards this short poetry collection as a “small break” in his poetry creation, and together with poetry compilations such as Flowing Water, it presents a complete picture of his poetry writing. The chapters of the long poem Flowing Water are laid out in a corresponding musical structure, using the music of the words, and unfolding through the legend of Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi, familiar themes flow through this satirical and metaphorical story through listening and reading and it shows inspiration from various metrical poems and literary works such as One Thousand and One Nights, Jin Ping Mei and Ulysses in different aspects. It is “writing that comes from listening and reading”. It is about the dialogue writing has with listening and reading. It also deeply explores the seriousness of parody.
Poems and Epics brings together the short and epic poems written by Chen Dongdong in the thirty-five years spanning from 1981 to 2016. The poet is self-deprecating in his postscript, “It saves the reader from the hassle of collecting different books from everywhere. This one book gives you everything. It has also allowed the author to pull away from his earlier writing for a long enough period of time to re-examine and remove the chapters that now seem to be not worth keeping at all.”